Power Equipment Repair and Service Center
Project TypeService Center
ContractorCalik Energy
ClientMinistry of Energy and Industry of Turkmenistan
The Power Equipment Repair and Service Center project, carried out under the leadership of Architect Metin Barut in Büzmayın, which plays an important role in Turkmenistan's energy sector, serves as an important center for reliable energy solutions. This pioneering facility, completed in 2022, was implemented under the contractorship of Çalık Enerji with the support of the Ministry of Energy and Industry of Turkmenistan.
Power Equipment Repair and Service Center stands out with its modern infrastructure and expert staff. It is specially designed for the repair, maintenance and service of various power equipment used in the electrical and energy sector. The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and testing devices and offers high quality and reliable service.
The center provides a full range of support to its customers, not only in the repair and maintenance of power equipment, but also by offering consultancy and training services. Together with strong business partners, the facility contributes to strengthening Turkmenistan's energy infrastructure and building a sustainable energy future.
Shaped by the aesthetic understanding and functional design of architect Metin Barut, the Power Equipment Repair and Service Center is on its way to becoming a leading facility in Turkmenistan's energy sector. This center, which is a reliable address for reliable energy solutions, is committed to providing uninterrupted and effective energy service to its customers.
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